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Lord Of The Flies

In 1940, William Golding joined the Royal Navy and later published Lord of the Flies in 1954. When an unknown plane is shot over the Pacific, a group of school boys land on an island and soon begin a new life. Golding's masterpiece tells the adventures of the boys as they form a society on the island with labor and hierarchy.


Facts about Lord Of The Flies!

-Many songs have been named after or inspired by the book, including:“Shadows and Tall Trees” by U2,“You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid” by The Offspring, and "Lord of the flies" by Iron Maiden.


-Because it was Golding's first book, initially, companies did not want to publish the work. 


-It took almost a decade for the novel to gain popularity. 





“We did everything adults would do. What went wrong?"
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